A new year, a new home!

Since we first started selling eLiquid, we've struggled with how to move forward in our paths.  Many of you know that I've been working various job here in Northland to stay afloat.  It's been tough for everyone in our family and sometimes put a strain on our relationships.  This had to change.

Last year (2017), we started getting requests from travelers and locals to drop into our shop.  The assumption has been that we have a Brick & Mortar store.  We thought long and hard about it, and have come to the conclusion that, yes, we need one.

The Vaping Community in New Zealand has been so supportive of us in the past, and has allowed us to move forward so much quicker than we ever could have imagined.  The reception we received over our eLiquids has been phenomenal, we couldn't have asked for better.  It's only because of you, that we could even contemplate what we were planning to do.

There has been speculation that because we shut up shop over Xmas and New Years, that we must be going out of business.  I'm writing this as both an announcement and a re-assurance:

We are Officially Opening a Brick & Mortar Store!

That's right, you read correctly!

Here's what's been going on:

  • August 2017, we started getting drop in requests
  • October 2017, the requests were becoming more frequent
  • November 2017, we had a few discussions with local Vapers; travelers; manufacturers and vendors and decided something had to be done
  • Early December 2017, we looked over our past history, and ran the numbers.  We found that it might be possible, if we tighten our belts a bit
  • Late December 2017, we were looking at potential sites, and came across a small, unassuming shop that would fit our needs perfectly
  • Early January 2017, we sign the lease; the website gets moved to a more integrated system, with POS for the Shop

And now whats coming:

  • Mid January 2018, we take over the shop, and begin simple cleanup and minor renovations to make the space usable
  • Late January 2018, we open the doors to the public on an open for business level
  • By April 2018, we plan on completing the extended external and shop level renovations
  • By mid year 2018, we have our Grand Opening, with sales, competitions, giveaways etc
  • By year end 2018, internal renovations and Clean Room (aiming for ISO7 or higher) is completed and in active use

So what you're seeing now, is completely new.  We still have your details from the old website, but we will only keep them in an archive.  The process to bring all of them across to the new system will prove time consuming and rather expensive.  Sorry if we've lost any of your personal information in the move.

The up side is that this site will be much more actively updated with new stock and with more news; pictures and related content.  This is mostly because I personally wont have to deal with the upkeep/server side.  It means I can spend more time making eLiquids, and less time fixing bugs!

Some other bonuses due to the new website and shop:

  • Stock levels in the shop, and on the website are always going to be the same.  If you want to drop in, you can see what we have on the shelves before you come in.  It means you will always know if your favorite is on the shelf.
  • Pricing online and in shop will always be the same.  You can calculate yourself how much you want to spend.
  • We can now post your Instagram pictures with our products.  When ever you hashtag #miasmaejuices in your photos, we can add them to the product pages!
  • We will eventually have physical merchandise in the shop, so more waiting for it to be printed and shipped!
  • We can run in store workshops for things like Battery Safety, and Beginners Vaping 101.
  • And because we've been asked so regularly, we're going to start stocking HARDWARE!

As you can see, there are many benefits to you, the community, and our reputation as well.  We cant thank you (the Vaping community) enough for supporting us so well.  It's been humbling to be a part of such a great group of people.

From Wifey and I, thank you so much.

We hope you have a great 2018, and best of luck to us all!

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